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【東京】靖国神社宮司の小堀氏が退任へ・・・6月の会議で「陛下は靖国を潰そうとしている」と不穏当発言 週刊誌報道 宮内庁に謝罪★3

792 :名無しさん@1周年:2018/10/11(木) 03:13:27.28 ID:zZoeJ37D0.net


空想物理学("all structures that exist mathematically exist also physically")は現代版エーテルに過ぎず否定されるのは時間の問題だろう


In cosmology, the cosmological constant problem or vacuum catastrophe is the disagreement between the
observed values of vacuum energy density (the small value of the cosmological constant) and theoretical
large value of zero-point energy suggested by quantum field theory.

Depending on the Planck energy cutoff and other factors, the discrepancy is as high as 120 orders of magnitude,
[1] a state of affairs described by physicists as "the largest discrepancy between theory and experiment in all of
science"[1] and "the worst theoretical prediction in the history of physics."[2]

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