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1 :ののの ★:2017/06/23(金) 20:50:43.23 ID:CAP_USER9.net
Qatar row: Arab states send list of steep demands
1 hour ago
From the section Middle East




Four Arab states have sent Qatar a list of 13 demands it must meet if it wants them to lift their sanctions.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are asking the Gulf state to shut down its broadcaster, Al Jazeera.
They are also asking Qatar to reduce ties with Iran and close a Turkish military base - all within 10 days.
Qatar, which sought to raise its profile in recent years, denies funding terrorism and fostering instability.
It has been subjected to more than two weeks of unprecedented diplomatic and economic sanctions, in the worst political crisis among Gulf countries in decades.

彼はまた、カタールの「テロ組織」支援 について否定した。

There was no immediate response from Qatar but Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani said earlier that it would not negotiate until the punitive measures were lifted.
He also denied his country supported "any terrorist organisation".

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