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【“表現の自由”が許されない社会】「他人の金で難民しよう」と書かれたイラスト差別表現だとして「SEALDs」奥田氏が強く批判 [10/02]

31 :名無しさん@13周年:2015/10/05(月) 13:56:49.37 ID:JyDAKuXRK
Montevideo, Uruguay | AFP | Monday 9/7/2015 - 20:38 GMT

Syrian refugees who arrived in Uruguay last year under a resettlement program protested Monday outside the presidential offices, saying they are living in poverty and want to leave.

"We didn't flee the war to die here in poverty," 36-year-old Maher el Dis told AFP. "This is not a place suited for refugees."

Five families, with more than 30 children, camped out with their luggage on one of Montevideo's main squares, saying they will stay there until they are able to leave the South American country.

"We didn't flee the war to die here in poverty,"


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