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1 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/08/21(月) 23:17:34.87 ID:???.net

2 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2023/12/06(水) 22:13:42.99 ID:Xhd0+716i
(羽田〕tΤps://www.call4.jp/info.php?тype=items&id=I0000062 , ttРs://haneda-projeСt.jimdofree.Com/

3 :TEPCO, NEDO, MHI,:2023/12/08(金) 07:38:35.50
Floating offshore wind turbine.
G.E., NEDO, and Tokyo Electric Power Company.
G.E., NEDO, and TEPCO to research and develop floating offshore wind turbines,
Floating offshore wind power generation
Tetra type, to be put into practical use,
Tetra-type, Tetraspar-type, and semi-submersible wind turbines.
Floating offshore wind turbines
Tetra, tetraspar, and semi-submersible floating wind turbines,

4 :TEPCO, NEDO, MHI,:2023/12/08(金) 12:07:04.71
NEDO と MHI と秋田で浮体式洋上風力発電を

実用化する、浮体式洋上風力発電 AOW


5 :NEDO,:2023/12/09(土) 04:24:54.02
Floating part of IHI's semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine.
The floating body part will be manufactured by IHI in Osaka,
With Sato of Wenty Japan,
NEDO will jointly conduct the research.
TEPCO and NEDO will cooperate and provide the technology.
NEDO and Wenty Japan,
NEDO and will collaborate to make semi-submersible floating components.
IHI to make a small number of floating offshore wind turbines.
Collaborate with NEDO, G.E., and TEPCO.
IHI will make floating offshore wind turbines and
NEDO and Wenty Japan off the coast of Akita.
Demonstration project will be completed in 2024-2025.
Research and demonstration off Akita in 2024-2025.
Floating offshore wind turbines will be developed by Wenty Japan and installed by NEDO.
NEDO will install them,
Semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbines will be researched and demonstrated off the coast of Akita Prefecture from 2024 to 2025.
A small number of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbines will be installed off the coast of Akita,
Semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbine
Wenty Japan and NEDO will install a small number of semi-submersible floating offshore wind turbines off the coast of Akita.
Floating offshore wind turbines will be installed off Akita by 2030.
Floating wind turbines will be installed off the coast of Akita by 2030,
IHI is developing semi-submersible floating wind turbines
IHI will build a semi-submersible floating structure and install it off the coast of Akita,
G.E. and IHI will procure components in Japan and install off Akita.
The turbine will also be manufactured by HITACHI,
Wind turbine components will be made by G.E. and Japan,
Japanese technology and companies, MHI and TEPCO.
NEDO to develop floating offshore wind turbine.
NEDO will develop floating offshore wind turbines off the coast of Akita Prefecture,
Floating offshore wind turbines will be installed off the coast of Akita by 2032.
To be installed off the coast of Akita,
Tokyo and other metropolitan areas
Floating offshore wind power generation off the coast of Akita
Wenty Japan and NEDO
Wenty Japan and NEDO are planning to install floating offshore wind turbines off the coast of Akita,

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