2ちゃんねる スマホ用 ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    

Unco is bitter and delicious.

1 :Tanaka:2008/05/13(Tue) 01:54:20 ID:10A3Mz+70.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

2 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 03:07:10 ID:OXEG8pC00.net

3 :Tanaka:2008/05/13(Tue) 03:48:28 ID:10A3Mz+70.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

4 :Tanaka:2008/05/13(Tue) 03:49:14 ID:10A3Mz+70.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

5 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 06:08:35 ID:VPBfFmK6O.net

6 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 11:43:52 ID:QA54w4t90.net

7 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 12:23:21 ID:1V+qqfUbO.net

8 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 12:24:01 ID:1V+qqfUbO.net

9 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 13:35:22 ID:gPmpAfnV0.net

10 :maji:2008/05/13(Tue) 19:34:24 ID:tb8TB6/YO.net
It's north korea's meal.

11 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 00:07:53 ID:2xyMRfLm0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

12 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 15:40:18 ID:T8VcdIaO0.net
unco is better than any other meals.

13 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 19:09:35 ID:2xyMRfLm0.net
unco is better than any other meals.

14 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 19:57:00 ID:2xyMRfLm0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

15 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 21:52:03 ID:OETxcE/wO.net
Nida said.
Unko is yummy!

16 :maji:2008/05/14(Wed) 22:06:21 ID:2xyMRfLm0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

17 :maji:2008/05/15(木) 15:46:28 ID:aJzWU/Nq0.net

Unco is bitter and delicious.

Do in heaven


18 :maji:2008/05/15(木) 21:51:54 ID:N0rINqDU0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

19 :maji:2008/05/17(Sat) 03:32:29 ID:bpswX98A0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

20 :maji:2008/05/17(Sat) 21:09:48 ID:D82Wgn1t0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

21 :maji:2008/05/18(Sun) 16:47:47 ID:wA7U8VyG0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

22 :maji:2008/05/19(Mon) 04:40:26 ID:VUT1Is2N0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

23 :maji:2008/05/20(Tue) 11:45:40 ID:ygZkRGaT0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

24 :maji:2008/05/21(Wed) 20:39:08 ID:7nrGhY/N0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

25 :maji:2008/05/22(木) 20:30:40 ID:3DrOYbhC0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

26 :maji:2008/05/23(Fri) 17:29:04 ID:B2A9enB90.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

27 :maji:2008/05/24(Sat) 20:05:18 ID:CybwnY7X0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

28 :maji:2008/05/26(Mon) 17:17:50 ID:BdwIq7Qm0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

29 :maji:2008/05/27(Tue) 02:14:23 ID:i6+H5g/I0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

30 :maji:2008/05/28(Wed) 00:12:03 ID:etKJNiDSO.net
What does UnKo means?

31 :maji:2008/05/31(Sat) 05:19:12 ID:kBcz5ny/0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

32 :maji:2008/06/02(Mon) 06:36:51 ID:LbgwueM20.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

33 :maji:2008/06/04(Wed) 00:08:25 ID:gpHRpVSi0.net

34 :maji:2008/06/04(Wed) 19:27:31 ID:ZrdfzG/O0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

35 :maji:2008/06/09(Mon) 06:27:04 ID:R/cG/LBZO.net
Are you a Korean?

36 :maji:2008/06/09(Mon) 14:07:08 ID:9JO4DBFkO.net
Dry Unco is kapikapiunco!

37 :maji:2008/06/12(木) 06:56:37 ID:gY02f6Fy0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

38 :American unco:2008/06/14(Sat) 01:09:32 ID:BssciKK80.net
. . . ,,
. . . 'i ;;;;;,_
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.V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V

39 :maji:2008/06/14(Sat) 09:22:20 ID:+mddBLME0.net ?2BP(0)
Excrement is delicious,isn't it?

40 :maji:2008/06/14(Sat) 18:40:40 ID:uQWcFiZc0.net
nop, fuckin dirty

41 :maji:2008/06/16(Mon) 22:50:33 ID:XmXbCi0/O.net
Unco is my life.

42 :maji:2008/06/19(木) 18:59:14 ID:6ybgChWf0.net
Our Raptor,
Who art in /h/eaven,
shopped be Thy face;
Thy donations come;
Thy posts be done
in /b/ as it is in /h/eaven.
Give us this day our daily Bridget;
and forgive us our trolling
as we forgive those who troll against us,
and lead us n-ot into faggotry,
but deliver us from /fur/ry.
In the name of the Moot,
the Raptor, and the Holy server.

43 :maji:2008/06/26(木) 01:06:43 ID:w6+WITdb0.net

"WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court will have the final say on whether war preparation trumps whale protection.

Acting at the Bush administration's urging, the court agreed Monday to review a federal appeals court ruling that limited the use of sonar in naval training exercises off Southern California's coast because of its potential to harm marine mammals.

Sonar, which the Navy relies on to locate enemy submarines, can interfere with whales' ability to navigate and communicate. There is also evidence that the technology has caused whales to strand themselves on shore.

The Navy argues that the decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco jeopardizes its ability to train sailors and Marines for service in wartime in exchange for a limited environmental benefit. "


44 :American Unko:2008/07/14(Mon) 23:36:20 ID:Big6HeAl0.net
. . . ,,
. . . 'i ;;;;;,_
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. . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , /
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.V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V

45 :maji:2008/07/16(Wed) 03:23:37 ID:HBU4UCuV0.net
Unco tastes curry?

46 :maji:2008/07/18(Fri) 00:31:23 ID:+Iv+0D8E0.net
Unco-taste curry or curry-taste Unco?

47 :maji:2008/07/27(Sun) 23:54:43 ID:/uH454wF0.net
yes i do

48 :maji:2008/07/28(Mon) 18:10:45 ID:iFnl4M7fO.net
Unko is borned from your anal.

49 :maji:2008/08/15(Fri) 18:25:13 ID:W11Ah4pv0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

50 :maji:2008/08/23(Sat) 18:26:13 ID:PHp5Jf9I0.net
there is big difference between unko and kuso.

51 :maji:2008/09/07(Sun) 08:51:06 ID:kxQ/vSt30.net
>>50 Could you describe it for us?

52 :maji:2008/10/17(Fri) 22:50:53 ID:Wzhhar/P0.net
The only production for NEET is Unco.

53 :maji:2008/10/31(Fri) 13:17:31 ID:ALUKzD4X0.net
bitter chocolate ktkr!

54 :maji:2008/11/23(Sun) 16:14:01 ID:YfOJIU2/O.net

55 :maji:2009/01/06(Tue) 20:22:30 ID:GYYuuSqf0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

56 :maji:2009/03/03(Tue) 20:09:49 ID:UfLJ7GBv0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

57 :maji:2009/03/26(木) 18:40:43 ID:V9io9hAi0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

58 :maji:2009/03/27(Fri) 18:56:09 ID:7dKmqsgr0.net
Kusosure danawwww

59 :maji:2009/04/03(Fri) 21:39:52 ID:FCfgJNL9O.net


60 :maji:2009/04/05(Sun) 20:11:47 ID:7mSKDQUj0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

61 :maji:2009/04/06(Mon) 07:26:01 ID:/motbtQz0.net
suck my unco!!

62 :maji:2009/04/11(Sat) 17:32:05 ID:43VHS7i10.net
nanda tengokuka

63 :maji:2009/05/13(Wed) 05:43:17 ID:L6kRav/z0.net
Real? Cora?

64 :bill:2009/05/14(木) 06:28:18 ID:F7idfA4V0.net

I've been working late a lot lately, and I'm really tired.

65 :bill:2009/05/14(木) 06:36:59 ID:F7idfA4V0.net
>>59 girl is korean!

66 :maji:2009/05/14(木) 09:45:03 ID:3aIPDU8k0.net
Please eat my UNKO.

67 :maji:2009/05/14(木) 12:05:31 ID:3bsaT2Qr0.net
Working? Doing what?

68 :maji:2009/05/17(Sun) 15:13:06 ID:F1dzy5cFO.net
kiss my cunt

69 :maji:2009/05/21(木) 04:45:28 ID:a5+dZVWs0.net

70 :maji:2009/05/21(木) 05:29:52 ID:iXXqDTGT0.net
I have hard bowel...
I appreciate the concern.

Look!This name is Korea nationalism group...
"United Nation Korea Operation"

71 :Paste Type Unko:2009/05/29(Fri) 09:36:29 ID:f2l7X1po0.net

Unko is bitter and creamy
and delicious.

72 :maji:2009/06/15(Mon) 05:15:47 ID:pKmZbqEz0.net
How much Unco?

73 :maji:2009/06/23(Tue) 14:28:28 ID:B5+Ib6mm0.net

74 :maji:2009/06/28(Sun) 05:53:55 ID:ouiZ8qnz0.net
. . . ,,
. . . 'i ;;;;;,_
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. . . . . .Xy__;:. . _ ) . . .)
. . . . . _(I''._,_,,__,, r_ , /
. . . .,/;:;'':;.:;''; i;'',',;;;_'' ; ;':;,.
. . . (ycc;:...:,:.:._;:..:,:.:.. _ . . .)
. . . .i.''-=v''- .:v_,, c_, r_ ,/
. . . /;i;i; '',',;;;_'';'';'';'';'';;;.K' ' ':;,
. . (y_ ,_;:...:,:.:._;_;:.:,:.:. . _ . . . , )
. . .V''.-= v''- .:v:: X_._ .,,_,,:_,r
. /i;i;'',',;;;_''U'';'';'';'';;;;;/.E''''' ' ':;,,
(y,,;:..R.:,:.:._;:.E.:,:.:. ._U 'o, , ' . , )
.V,,..;::;;;::,;,::;):;:;:; .:v_._ .,_,,v_,,r_,V

75 :maji:2009/06/29(Mon) 10:28:03 ID:0p03+Qon0.net
Eat my unco.

76 :maji:2009/06/30(Tue) 01:57:13 ID:T9E8rUsgO.net

77 :maji:2009/06/30(Tue) 02:29:07 ID:Ksj4UfEW0.net
How do you cook Unco?

78 :maji:2009/06/30(Tue) 09:28:09 ID:EVSnqyuk0.net
I make the pancake by Unco.
It is bitter.

79 :maji:2009/06/30(Tue) 13:32:20 ID:duIK36C60.net
I love you. Please kiss my anal!
Eat my fresh Unco...

80 :maji:2009/07/01(Wed) 06:57:15 ID:6oOSoRP70.net
Are you Korean?

81 :maji:2009/07/01(Wed) 16:31:00 ID:Kli5I6op0.net

82 :maji:2009/07/01(Wed) 20:06:45 ID:PrxexQmj0.net
Unco Chin & Unco Same


this is fuckin' chinks

83 :maji:2009/07/03(Fri) 13:47:50 ID:5MT2HhVE0.net
Yattaze Katochan
Gabbatto Mataide
Unco chin chin

84 :maji:2009/07/07(Tue) 00:50:04 ID:AB+cn26T0.net
My Unco is bloody Unco.

85 :maji:2009/07/08(Wed) 02:00:36 ID:Vyj5qCjr0.net
Let's go to a hospital!!

86 :maji:2009/07/08(Wed) 05:29:42 ID:agKo/GiY0.net
Unco is just Japanese spirit.

87 :maji:2009/07/09(木) 19:11:27 ID:Kij18nMfO.net

88 :maji:2009/07/10(Fri) 11:17:52 ID:jpQHKmII0.net
Unco is my life.

89 :maji:2009/07/11(Sat) 09:13:39 ID:kZ6h56iJO.net
My life is Unco.

90 :maji:2009/07/11(Sat) 17:52:43 ID:YwHAyNJV0.net
My wife is Unco.

91 :maji:2009/07/12(Sun) 06:47:44 ID:MMqppMlEO.net

92 :maji:2009/07/18(Sat) 05:05:07 ID:N3QXZ0p10.net
Do you want eat to UNCO?

93 :maji:2009/07/18(Sat) 09:26:14 ID:mq91UQMc0.net
Not really.

94 :maji:2009/07/18(Sat) 17:54:55 ID:uPbU09HW0.net
Unco is so sweet.

95 :maji:2009/07/19(Sun) 04:38:27 ID:KJsEREfb0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

96 :maji:2009/07/21(Tue) 07:33:50 ID:lnhJh3ZB0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

97 :maji:2009/07/22(Wed) 08:08:06 ID:0wwF3bHi0.net

98 :maji:2009/07/23(木) 06:22:01 ID:BtcTWSzu0.net
Why Unco is delicious?

99 :maji:2009/07/23(木) 14:43:18 ID:xqXzOoTB0.net
mix bejitabo- in to the unco!
very nice a-han

100 :maji:2009/07/23(木) 15:53:00 ID:kIQdR/uZ0.net
My Unco's topping is corn.

101 :maji:2009/07/24(Fri) 07:58:47 ID:jwM5r25R0.net
I want

102 :maji:2009/07/25(Sat) 03:08:57 ID:ET/TFFpp0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

103 :maji:2009/07/26(Sun) 05:56:07 ID:oLw8UH5b0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

104 :Bitch Pussy:2009/07/28(Tue) 06:20:50 ID:UztvEuwW0.net

Manco is bad smell and black.

105 :maji:2009/07/29(Wed) 11:19:35 ID:/G4XyC0qO.net
4 NOW, >>1 MUST DIE.

106 :maji:2009/07/29(Wed) 12:10:29 ID:uy4nofjB0.net
Hi!! pussy cat!

107 :maji:2009/07/29(Wed) 20:52:33 ID:/G4XyC0qO.net

108 :maji:2009/07/30(木) 00:27:48 ID:4lUMBCKc0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

109 :maji:2009/07/30(木) 15:52:36 ID:HXLfVydc0.net
good jop!
I love unco & pussy.
both of them bitter and delicious.

110 :maji:2009/07/30(木) 20:59:43 ID:+I6gHEYH0.net
Shit (shit is"unco" in japanese) is not good for your health.

111 :maji:2009/07/31(Fri) 04:59:06 ID:gn6ZCNcQ0.net
Chink Girl Manco is bad smell and black

112 :maji:2009/07/31(Fri) 14:31:45 ID:BEtnRxQb0.net
You love venereal girls?

113 :maji:2009/08/01(Sat) 07:32:43 ID:A1qHRH1+0.net
Chink and Gook Manco is bad smell and black

114 :maji:2009/08/01(Sat) 21:36:15 ID:siqiwUnx0.net
My Unco is bitter and delicious.

115 :maji:2009/08/02(Sun) 17:55:20 ID:ZiLDjG3d0.net
fuckin sit!

116 :maji:2009/08/03(Mon) 01:31:19 ID:lsFnbgfx0.net

117 :maji:2009/08/16(Sun) 03:26:13 ID:XkvlCewNO.net
Uncox Unco in is

118 :maji:2009/08/16(Sun) 04:33:01 ID:Xf7FjFN30.net

Unco is Korean food

119 :maji:2009/08/19(Wed) 17:31:03 ID:MauGvVRD0.net
tonsuru tonsuru!

120 :maji:2009/08/21(Fri) 12:01:02 ID:zd+lpx+OO.net
My want bitter and and

121 :maji:2009/08/22(Sat) 13:21:13 ID:v0g/92T6O.net
I is bitter smell DIE.

122 :maji:2009/08/23(Sun) 11:23:46 ID:2BNPX8sXO.net
Unco is bad MUST

123 :maji:2009/08/24(Mon) 11:43:12 ID:+6+C9dFP0.net
Let's party!

124 :maji:2009/08/26(Wed) 03:20:07 ID:1fS3qBwb0.net
Yeah! Unco party!
Unco is my way.

125 :maji:2009/09/07(Mon) 18:58:41 ID:epROlOJq0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

126 :maji:2009/09/07(Mon) 21:54:01 ID:cai1/Arl0.net
unco is better than dangerous

127 :mmm:2009/09/08(Tue) 04:11:39 ID:oMsb08tU0.net

128 :maji:2009/09/13(Sun) 00:27:35 ID:0hUQamOX0.net
what are you guys taliking the bullshit?

129 :maji:2009/09/13(Sun) 08:38:37 ID:wj2c5fIwO.net
It is talking about all is not a lie but being true.
It likes all Unco's very much. I mix Unco to the rice, and I am eating.

130 :maji:2009/09/13(Sun) 15:50:03 ID:6G1j44nv0.net
You lose.

131 :maji:2009/09/13(Sun) 21:47:22 ID:YlKwqpLN0.net
Hatoyama is Nidar Wife and Secletary kilker.

132 :Japanese:2009/09/13(Sun) 23:23:28 ID:uJb0O6CmO.net
Unco is Korean food.

133 :maji:2009/09/14(Mon) 01:45:36 ID:/W8Pn8SmO.net
The origin of Unco is South Korea.

134 :maji:2009/09/14(Mon) 02:44:42 ID:xdIKyfrM0.net
Unco is Korean-meal

135 :maji:2009/10/07(Wed) 13:55:23 ID:aEXd+GHY0.net

136 :maji:2009/10/22(木) 20:10:03 ID:oqyhg9TZ0.net
What is Unco Chin?

137 :maji:2009/10/31(Sat) 11:37:12 ID:4Wxfs8Ih0.net
this thread is creepy
y'all must die

138 :maji:2009/11/01(Sun) 02:52:16 ID:3xlO8ICI0.net

Unco is Gook's meal.

139 :!omikuji:2009/11/01(Sun) 05:45:05 ID:84XGSoB40.net

140 :maji:2009/11/08(Sun) 00:14:07 ID:DdUrY0GnP.net
Dont Talk 'bout Curry ,When I eatin' UNKO !!!

141 :maji:2009/12/28(Mon) 16:56:30 ID:2JIwMcfP0.net
Delicious is bitter and unco.

142 :maji:2009/12/28(Mon) 17:01:21 ID:2JIwMcfP0.net
Unco curry is spicy and delicious.

143 :maji:2009/12/28(Mon) 17:05:57 ID:EP/Dcjkf0.net

144 :maji:2009/12/29(Tue) 15:14:35 ID:uj2oQS1T0.net

145 :maji:2009/12/29(Tue) 19:38:19 ID:/+v2xkr6O.net

146 :maji:2010/01/09(Sat) 18:15:17 ID:GW2f6mKj0.net

147 :maji:2010/01/11(Mon) 00:18:42 ID:AlacDBPE0.net

148 :maji:2010/01/12(Tue) 15:45:44 ID:D9egcMld0.net

149 :maji:2010/01/16(Sat) 02:02:16 ID:Fy6tb94Y0.net

150 :maji:2010/01/28(木) 19:34:05 ID:6U+Gz1vXi.net

151 :maji:2010/04/14(Wed) 13:45:54 ID:0ChxtsCK0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

152 :maji:2010/04/17(Sat) 19:16:05 ID:mJd8Tm5L0.net

153 :maji:2010/04/18(Sun) 14:38:02 ID:6VY6KWEK0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

154 :maji:2010/04/18(Sun) 18:31:52 ID:+JxpqZWp0.net
wtf is unco?

155 :maji:2010/04/19(Mon) 09:12:50 ID:6cwg7i6U0.net
It is bitter and delicious.

156 :maji:2010/04/21(Wed) 10:56:58 ID:8VeUpTn80.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.
Hong-tak is bitter and delicious.

157 :maji:2010/04/22(木) 05:45:29 ID:dDku5vcy0.net

158 :maji:2010/04/26(Mon) 23:57:34 ID:s92BGt/E0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

159 :maji:2010/05/28(Fri) 16:17:52 ID:JY4RT0F00.net
crap out

160 :maji:2010/05/29(Sat) 19:21:11 ID:jcfiSGE10.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

161 :maji:2010/05/30(Sun) 14:46:33 ID:bPLk2XCw0.net

162 :maji:2010/05/31(Mon) 22:14:15 ID:su0VqkJe0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

163 :maji:2010/06/01(Tue) 08:12:27 ID:5e+z7OyJ0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

164 :SIO NAMEKUZI:2010/06/02(Wed) 13:55:47 ID:H+S1XKVT0.net

165 :maji:2010/06/06(Sun) 04:33:25 ID:wsvTxpDG0.net
unkoman sanjyou!

166 :maji:2010/06/06(Sun) 21:43:03 ID:HX+3oY4AO.net
curry god

167 :maji:2010/06/07(Mon) 09:06:42 ID:PYtwH9+G0.net
Unco is very bitter and delicious.

168 :maji:2010/06/08(Tue) 19:32:57 ID:hzO4qnrv0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

169 :maji:2010/06/13(Sun) 22:12:48 ID:2jyVRu7c0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

170 :maji:2010/06/14(Mon) 19:40:20 ID:FuYwGoyU0.net
Manco is unco taste.

171 :maji:2010/06/14(Mon) 20:28:41 ID:cut2FmK50.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

172 :maji:2010/06/15(Tue) 18:25:03 ID:pRP6eBra0.net

173 :SALTSLUG:2010/06/20(Sun) 23:51:14 ID:Jsj2AEJI0.net

174 :maji:2010/06/22(Tue) 00:04:10 ID:wBa6TU500.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

175 :maji:2010/06/22(Tue) 06:55:26 ID:ihCLG97BP.net

176 :maji:2010/06/22(Tue) 21:19:31 ID:wBa6TU500.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

177 :maji:2010/06/27(Sun) 10:18:21 ID:2Wxme9na0.net

178 :maji:2010/06/29(Tue) 21:15:39 ID:ARcPsBdK0.net
Do you know HONGUPPO?

179 :maji:2010/07/03(Sat) 16:13:30 ID:VLbcF0GQ0.net
I know qOm4NnEZ/k

180 :maji:2010/07/03(Sat) 21:07:21 ID:ltNmPO350.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

181 :maji:2010/07/04(Sun) 22:45:49 ID:Lg0vFn3Z0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

182 :maji:2010/07/06(Tue) 22:35:23 ID:EdhSRjA70.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

183 :maji:2010/07/08(木) 03:00:11 ID:VvLLLFMB0.net
Tack a nut a better'n death car!?

184 :maji:2010/07/08(木) 10:57:19 ID:+Nv+a6SB0.net
i wanna kill uncoman

185 :maji:2010/07/09(Fri) 01:50:55 ID:1BfVzaUI0.net
Unco you!

186 :maji:2010/07/16(Fri) 08:26:08 ID:NWzZXVgs0.net
Manco is salty and delicious.

187 :maji:2010/07/16(Fri) 10:00:48 ID:wfgjZTNW0.net
ma ji de?

188 :maji:2010/07/31(Sat) 21:52:02 ID:BnlKGdpy0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

189 :maji:2010/08/01(Sun) 16:39:15 ID:+5dNO0kL0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

190 :maji:2010/08/02(Mon) 16:33:50 ID:dFRYKED20.net
A lot of Japanese love Ttong-sul now.

191 :maji:2010/08/06(Fri) 01:36:23 ID:LXaHC1Je0.net
Ttong-sul is sweet and delisious.

192 :maji:2010/08/06(Fri) 14:14:10 ID:/MMZPmED0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

193 :maji:2010/08/07(Sat) 22:41:26 ID:LlukL52s0.net
Ttong-sul is Japanese traditional drink.
It is maked by dung.

194 :maji:2010/08/09(Mon) 08:07:41 ID:imeFR3cs0.net
Tthong-sul is one of my favorite drink.

195 :maji:2010/08/11(Wed) 00:12:36 ID:ryn0PIH+0.net

196 :maji:2010/08/11(Wed) 12:00:06 ID:xThn8cAn0.net
My unco is thick and long.

197 :maji:2010/08/13(Fri) 15:32:19 ID:aouOy60g0.net
roast unco is savory and delisious.
it's my dinner of today.

198 :maji:2010/08/21(Sat) 12:47:55 ID:tGF7+W/G0.net
What the heck is Ttong-sul?

199 :maji:2010/09/01(Wed) 02:54:25 ID:ipmUSuDI0.net
hayou kusomamire ni narouya

200 :maji:2010/09/01(Wed) 13:08:46 ID:roCVc2sG0.net
shitty skin

201 :maji:2010/09/30(木) 13:57:36 ID:tHcMQvmX0.net
unco oisiiyo

202 :maji:2010/10/02(Sat) 00:20:15 ID:qf9YcrpD0.net
what the hell are you saying?
is ur head alright?

203 :maji:2010/10/02(Sat) 13:41:16 ID:kNua9pw60.net
My head is bitter and delicous.

204 :maji:2010/10/04(Mon) 22:10:18 ID:9qtJ4LpF0.net
konyamo unco ga umai

205 :maji:2010/10/04(Mon) 22:43:43 ID:IvYRdEcV0.net

206 :maji:2010/10/04(Mon) 23:19:05 ID:UGiIRW+j0.net
unco umai

207 :maji:2010/10/18(Mon) 20:00:37 ID:YLx0/NW50.net
Geri unko is spicy and delicious

208 :maji:2010/10/19(Tue) 21:43:26 ID:WT0DCTQZ0.net
Solid unko is anus-widening and delicious

209 :maji:2010/10/24(Sun) 12:03:00 ID:f7nv4a/G0.net
everyone is crazy

210 :maji:2010/10/29(Fri) 22:10:00 ID:59OPvXdgO.net
Unco is Korean Food.

211 :maji:2010/11/01(Mon) 12:00:58 ID:5JZUF4jj0.net
Ttong-sul is bitter and delicious.

212 :maji:2010/11/03(Wed) 00:05:59 ID:f3kDssk80.net

213 :maji:2010/11/06(Sat) 09:40:57 ID:z7GaiXJ90.net
Unco is nigai and umai

214 :maji:2010/11/13(Sat) 21:26:19 ID:KoSADhu50.net
Bitter unko is delicious

215 :maji:2010/11/14(Sun) 09:20:30 ID:wr5+wofB0.net

216 :maji:2010/11/20(Sat) 07:47:35 ID:qhrWJKYD0.net
Which do you like better?
Unco with a curry taste? Or curry with an unco taste?

217 :maji:2010/11/29(Mon) 19:37:08 ID:Zwh03w9F0.net
After unco is better than first curry

218 :saltslug:2011/01/20(木) 15:20:52 ID:McK+MRUgP.net
unko ha nigakute umai

219 :maji:2011/05/23(Mon) 14:12:37.17 ID:eyogP+4q0.net
Sorry, no Koreans allowed.

220 :blabla:2011/05/25(Wed) 05:45:03.80 ID:E92zSX1o0.net
ICELAND IS UNKO! 03/2010=>05/2011 Again same shit

221 :maji:2011/05/25(Wed) 15:50:21.54 ID:3omd2fXh0.net
Unko is traditional Korean food.

222 : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxPT】 :2011/05/31(Tue) 23:17:38.62 ID:eNwGI2S80.net

223 :maji:2011/07/03(Sun) 02:45:11.22 ID:zIpqz0vF0.net

224 :maji:2011/07/03(Sun) 14:44:36.31 ID:lcQPZBuP0.net
yes we can.

225 :maji:2011/08/13(Sat) 01:53:24.71 ID:FYURdxbJO.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

226 :maji:2011/08/22(Mon) 15:39:54.39 ID:C/nKdyZHO.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

227 :maji:2011/08/25(木) 01:10:12.48 ID:VF105M76O.net
Oh my GOD!

228 :maji:2011/09/03(Sat) 12:25:01.87 ID:XWHg6bjxO.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

229 :maji:2011/09/03(Sat) 22:16:15.61 ID:U4uNo3sM0.net
no its not true. unko is "sour" and bitter and delicious.

230 :maji:2011/09/06(Tue) 04:09:55.60 ID:xEW/HJqZ0.net
Oh my Shinran! (from "Getting Any?" supervised by Takeshi Kitano)

231 :maji:2011/09/18(Sun) 13:01:47.28 ID:Q06tszFt0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

232 :maji:2011/10/02(Sun) 10:10:58.58 ID:lkaX3nw80.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

233 :maji:2011/10/03(Mon) 06:30:01.12 ID:52fEPNuR0.net
>>1 is korian

234 :maji:2011/10/16(Sun) 17:32:16.79 ID:sce8EHiv0.net

235 :maji:2011/10/16(Sun) 23:25:11.76 ID:UtsXX015O.net

236 : 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】 :2011/10/21(Fri) 00:21:37.20 ID:viaDzAqN0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

237 :maji:2011/10/21(Fri) 11:06:55.08 ID:f0KjrSYN0.net

238 :maji:2011/11/22(Tue) 10:37:29.92 ID:iDWO1CxcO.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

239 :maji:2011/11/22(Tue) 12:06:00.19 ID:6Gg+PPTL0.net
Unko dare?

240 : 忍法帖【Lv=2,xxxP】 :2011/11/23(Wed) 06:44:02.71 ID:RAMBtYWX0.net
tashikani miso to kuso wa yoku niteiru.
irotuya to ii hadazawari to ii
marude ikiwakareno kyoudaito ittemo kagondewa nai.
shikashi sono youtowo torichigaeruto
asano shokutakuni

241 :maji:2011/11/26(Sat) 20:03:35.48 ID:SoDclYRw0.net

242 :maji:2011/11/28(Mon) 23:41:54.69 ID:fuLt/W030.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

243 :David Beckham fan = Elena Oda Vintevecom:2011/12/04(Sun) 10:17:12.75 ID:r3KA4N6eO.net
Let me know if you have any trouble sarch [internet-tv tyosen soccer] at google only!

244 :maji:2011/12/17(Sat) 15:13:53.19 ID:CX1/TYxN0.net
I had not gone to the toilet before it began to fall Unco.

245 :maji:2011/12/27(Tue) 11:49:20.34 ID:Y5N9l0+20.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

246 :maji:2011/12/29(木) 14:30:46.11 ID:/u8hKDsL0.net

247 :maji:2012/01/08(Sun) 20:44:07.09 ID:1vsq9HjZO.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

248 :maji:2012/01/09(Mon) 08:53:20.59 ID:K0tr5gDt0.net
Ttongsul ttongsul holholholholholhol

249 :maji:2012/01/16(Mon) 01:17:49.49 ID:B5GbRtCj0.net
nanda kono sure.
I hate unko.

250 :maji:2012/01/16(Mon) 06:48:23.09 ID:7hgLCPCm0.net
what is unko???

251 :maji:2012/01/16(Mon) 07:33:43.45 ID:ldMgiS680.net
shit; faeces; feces;

252 :maji:2012/01/17(Tue) 12:10:15.09 ID:oLW7UGLIO.net
Provided that way in order to measure up arms

253 :maji:2012/01/20(Fri) 01:02:46.42 ID:1/FVcbhb0.net
I need more unko!

254 :maji:2012/01/23(Mon) 15:00:05.27 ID:L61cXEav0.net
unknown unko

255 :maji:2012/01/26(木) 07:01:13.32 ID:On/880JU0.net
Black unko of death

256 :maji:2012/02/10(Fri) 20:53:02.16 ID:npWfeJRY0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

257 :maji:2012/03/04(Sun) 23:47:59.82 ID:kQKfM1Q00.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

258 :maji:2012/03/06(Tue) 08:08:06.00 ID:A8Hjs6270.net
Manco is bad smell and black.

259 :maji:2012/03/07(Wed) 14:05:12.32 ID:2IYwlPP80.net
Unko kusai sure dane!!

260 :maji:2012/03/31(Sat) 17:24:21.25 ID:z+FvPgUNO.net
Kuso sure kayo

261 :maji:2012/05/23(Wed) 04:21:00.53 ID:r9tN3HkM0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

262 :maji:2012/07/08(Sun) 09:07:40.91 ID:uRx2KTZaO.net
unco is very aromatic

263 :maji:2012/08/15(Wed) 02:20:50.28 ID:EBp4MpTa0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.
Curry isn't bitter and delicious.

264 :maji:2012/08/15(Wed) 03:55:38.12 ID:Hb8qKBcL0.net
What is unco made from?

265 :maji:2012/08/15(Wed) 05:48:56.61 ID:yZiJuMuR0.net

266 :maji:2012/09/15(Sat) 00:32:59.59 ID:UVoNwjP00.net
UNCO (United Nations Central Office)

267 :maji:2012/09/28(Fri) 09:20:23.15 ID:/vnKHZOL0.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

268 :maji:2012/10/26(Fri) 12:22:12.24 ID:CmYA3CC20.net

269 :maji:2013/07/10(Wed) NY:AN:NY.AN ID:5Fpz2b2K0.net
Please sage unko until 1001!

270 :maji:2014/02/08(Sat) 20:15:20.38 ID:093XssU20.net
Unco is bitter and delicious.

271 :maji:2014/03/07(Fri) 22:13:41.64 ID:02n/cet80.net
UNKO tastes sweet and mild.

272 :maji:2015/04/06(月) 23:14:00.63 ID:q+tuzesgZ
God will not allow you

273 :maji:2018/03/02(Fri) 15:02:24.07 ID:uJzgccDS0.net
Tasting dung, it's like a gook.
Dungook or Unkorean,hahaha!

274 :maji:2023/07/17(Mon) 03:15:06.30 ID:slIx6cpG0.net

275 :maji:2023/08/19(Sat) 03:05:06.21 ID:bkGEPPVH0.net

276 :maji:2023/08/21(Mon) 10:39:00.51 ID:dWmx6via0.net

277 :maji:2023/10/05(木) 16:12:16.34 ID:WfwarYA20.net

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