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【戦況】ロシア軍、ウクライナ侵攻兵力の9割死傷か 31万5千人と米情報機関 現代化を15年遅らせることに [ごまカンパチ★]

571 :ウィズコロナの名無しさん:2023/12/13(水) 20:50:14.59 ID:wy2Zt9wx0.net
President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky from the United States arrived in Oslo for a visit.

This was reported by the press service of the Norwegian government.

This visit was not previously announced. In the capital of Norway,
the President of Ukraine will take part in a summit of leaders of the Nordic countries.
They will discuss issues of joint defense and support for Ukraine.

Zelensky and Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre will hold a joint press conference.

"I am pleased to have the opportunity to welcome Vladimir Zelensky to Norway.
I look forward to our constructive negotiations.
Norway will continue to support Ukraine's fight for self-defense. We are providing targeted,
long-term support to help Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democracy.
Ukraine's efforts are also important for freedom and security here in Norway,”
the Norwegian Prime Minister emphasized.

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