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元厚労省官僚が警鐘「ワクチン接種期に震災以上の超過死亡」政府やマスコミが黙り込む"不都合な真実" ★32 [Stargazer★]

766 :新規スレ立て人募集 社説+の募集スレまで:2022/11/27(日) 17:23:48.29 ID:nYzM30ve0.net

"They're just not normal clots. It's almost like it's a tissue, not a blood clot."

"Before, only 10 to 15% would be clotted. Now I’m lucky to have bodies that are not clotted."

"You can discredit what I'm saying all day long with words, but you cannot unsee what I'm seeing."


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★