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「アジア一住みやすい街」大阪 職住近接、買い物しやすく ★5 [蚤の市★]

682 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/11/16(水) 01:27:43.53 ID:2lPBv6dV0.net
Just as you get off the monorail station,
there is a viewing platform to see a rather curious collection of Tokyo landmarks.
This collection comprises the Tokyo Tower (inspired by the Eiffel Tower),
the Rainbow Bridge (which reminds me of the Golden Gate Bridge)
and a replica of the Statue of Liberty !
(要約 : 東京の建築はパクりだらけである)

The Umeda Sky Building is located in the Shin-Umeda City district of Osaka.
In my opinion, Osaka has a much more interested collection
of modern buildings than Tokyo.
The Umeda Sky Building is clearly the premier skyscraper
that highlights the Osaka skyline.

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