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「盗撮罪」「グルーミング罪」も新設、法制審試案 [フラワー★]

23 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/10/24(月) 22:54:46.83 ID:ACM9hkhj0.net


We find that many of the negative consequences of teenage childbearing are much smaller than those found in previous studies.
For most outcomes, the adverse consequences of early childbearing are short-lived.
Finally, for annual hours of work and earnings, we find that a teen mother would have lower levels of each at older ages if they had delayed their childbearing.
(出典:V. Joseph Hotz,2005)


Overall, minors involved with adults were not significantly less well adjusted than adults involved with other adults on a majority of measures,
effect size differences in adjustment were mostly small, and mean adjustment responses consistently indicated good rather than poor adjustment.
(出典:Bruce Rind,2021)

In general: minors with adults enjoyed the event as much as minors with peers or adults with adults;...
Younger girls (14 and under) with men (mean ages: 13.19 and 26.42), compared to women with peer-aged men (mean ages: 22.38 and 23.78),
enjoyed the coitus a great deal at the same rate (17 % vs. 18 %) and had emotionally negative reactions no more often (18 % vs. 16 %).
(出典:Bruce Rind,2014)


However, more typically, the interviewed youth described the relationship as reciprocal, even some time after it had ended.
The professional intervention often resulted in feelings of helplessness for the youth.
(出典:Dafna Tener,2014)

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