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【特集】フランスの反セクト法は日本のオウム真理教事件を参考にして作られた [朝一から閉店までφ★]

2 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/08/01(月) 23:56:21 ID:bZnURloq0.net

I am against the state funeral, no matter for whom it may be. For, in general, these events are related to the enhancing of the nationalism.
It reminds me of the statue of the "great" leader built in authoritarian states. Such states never allow its people to oppose the leader.
The democratic state should permit you not to respect the leader whom you didn't vote. The state funeral given to the elected leader actually compels all the people to worship him whether they supported him or not.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★