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【急増するオミクロン感染後遺症】学校や職場に行けなくなってしまう人が大勢いる [影のたけし軍団★]

2 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/05/04(水) 15:48:31.53 ID:rcv/A7Zt0.net

In my eyes, you seem to claim that, having travelled Europe, you are quite familiar with Western things and that proves that you are superior to everyone else.

However, one's several-day trip to a foreign country does not always warrant his profound knowledge about the country. It's quite possible that one who has never been abroad but studied the culture, history, and language of a foreign country knows much more than short stayers.
To visit a foreign country, you need no effort, or all that you need is money for the trip. On the other hand, what is needed to learn the foreign culture and language is a great effort and a superior brain.

Did you get angry with my refute? Then, talk back to me in any foreign language (if you really have any other language that you are able to use than your mother tongue) as I am doing now.

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