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「未成年者誘拐」で教諭逮捕、スマホを押収したら…中学女子3人の着替え盗撮発覚 [愛の戦士★]

3 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/04/28(木) 12:01:05 ID:M5QFPEGx0.net

Sorry, but the magnetic train (so-called "linear motor car" in Japan) is, in principal, able to ascend a steeper slope than the normal wheel train is.
However, the planned magnetic train line in Japan is built with the same slope limit as that of wheel trains. Can you see the meaning of this?

From the fact above, it follows that Japan Railway does not have 100 per cent confidence that he will make the magnetic train practical.
He seems to think that, when the realisation of practical use of the magnetic train fails, he will run the conventional wheel train instead on the line which he is building for the magnetic train.
This is why JR is building the planned line by the regulation for the conventional train.

In fact, surprisingly enough, whereas JR tells that the new line will start five year later, he is yet to test what will happen when two magnetic trains pass each other at 500 kilometers an hour.
I am American in deed, but I would praise the courageous Japanese who want to get on this train.

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