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ウクライナ避難民のペット、特例で検疫対応を緩和…通常は「最長180日間の隔離」だが、検疫所外での飼育を可能に [デデンネ★]

800 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/04/20(水) 19:27:53 ID:YWeJi3Wz0.net



You can bring your pet dog, cat or ferret from Ukraine to the UK without it going into quarantine if it:

has been vaccinated against rabies and has had a blood test 30 days later to confirm it has worked

has been microchipped

has a pet passport or health certificate

has had tapeworm treatment

If your pet does not meet these requirements, what you must do to bring your pet to the UK depends on when it left Ukraine.

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