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【芸術】Chim↑Pomがグループ名を改名、森美術館が Smappa!Groupからの協賛金を断ったことがきっかけ [ぐれ★]

2 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/04/20(水) 10:16:51 ID:F7pO8fUF0.net

Hi, I am an American who once worked at a Japanese company as a chief engineer and today I'd tell you why the Japanese organisation fails.

I am sure that most of Japanese youths who are more intelligent than the average should, soon after entering their first company, notice that there are too few veterans truly worth respecting and making as their models.
Such a newbie is aghast to see how irrational and wasteful way of work his seniors are doing.
However, veterans are proud of their way and think it to be right, just because they work long. Hence, if a junior worker says to them "you'd better to do like this to make things better", they'll surely go mad and shout "how can a newbie like you say so!".

Therefore, the smarter half of Japanese have to chose between two choices: to leave this madhouse as Galileo said "but still the earth moves", or to degrade themselves to adjust to surrounding fools.
In this aspect, the rest dim half have a greater advantage in Japanese workplaces because they don't notice at first how silly their surroundings are.

This is the reason why Japanese companies fail to improve themselves and why truly superior people are unhappy.

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