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ロシア旗艦、ミサイルで撃沈 2発命中と米国防総省 ★3 [どどん★]

220 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/04/16(土) 20:54:35 ID:EvhOYM7I0.net

■戦果:2022/04 露西亜海軍巡洋艦モスクワ(1万2千屯)を奇襲で撃沈させた

この艦の艦長と対空担当士官は囮のTB2を追跡中でこのnapture R360ミサイル2発に


The surprise attack took place at 2am yesterday as the Moskva, Russia’s main
‘command and control’ warship, was 60 miles south of Odessa.

The ship’s captain and air defence officers were said to be tracking the decoy TB2s,
unaware a pair of Ukrainian-made Neptune R360 anti-ship missiles were heading
their way after being launched from an artillery battery on the coastline.

The missiles, each weighing a ton and with a range of 170 nautical miles,
approached the Moskva at sea level. Travelling at such a low trajectory
in rough seas meant they were difficult to track.

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