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【速報】ロシア、フィンランド国境へ軍を移動か 6 [まそ★]

1 :まそ ★:2022/04/13(水) 16:18:48.86 ID:638MTggz9.net
Russian forces appear to have moved military vehicles near the country's border with Finland in unverified footage.

The unconfirmed footage, shared online on Monday, showed at least two Russian military vehicles moving towards the border with Finland.

In the clip, shared on Twitter by user OSINTdefender, the vehicles appear to be K-300P Bastion-Ps, which are coastal defense missile systems.

Towards the end of the 43-second video, the person holding the camera focuses on a street sign which gives directions to Helsinki, the capital of Finland.


【速報】ロシア、フィンランド国境へ軍を移動か 5 [まそ★]

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