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【訃報】レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのギタリスト、ジャック・シャーマン死去。64歳 [記憶たどり。★]

1 :記憶たどり。 ★:2020/08/22(土) 17:17:43 ID:l/4dNr3n9.net
Red Hot Chili Peppers' guitarist Jack Sherman passes away aged 64 of unknown causes as the band pays tribute to 'unique' musician


Former Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist Jack Sherman has died at 64, however no cause of death has been determined.

The band announced Sherman's passing on Friday in an Instagram post, calling him 'unique.'

The guitarist played on the band's debut self-titled album and contributed to their albums Freaky Styley, Mother’s Milk and The Abbey Road EP.


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