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新型コロナ:回復後も87%に後遺症(32%で1〜2つ、55%で3つ以上)嗅覚・味覚障害、関節痛・胸痛など 4割が生活の質低下…伊報告 ★8 [特選八丁味噌石狩鍋★]

467 :不要不急の名無しさん:2020/07/14(火) 08:17:27.36 ID:hlIfZrMl0.net

Italy Says 96% of Virus Fatalities Suffered From Other Illnesses
Almost 96% of the country’s virus fatalities had previous medical conditions, data from Italy’s ISS health institute show. The ISS, which publishes a range of studies on the outbreak including a detailed weekly report, confirms a trend seen since the beginning of the emergency, with the average age of Italians who’ve died from the virus at around 80.
The most recent ISS weekly study, based on a sample of about 10% of fatalities until May 21, also showed that just 124 victims, or 4.1% of the total, had no previous pathology. Almost 60% of victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fifth had two conditions.

More than 68% had high blood pressure, about 30% had diabetes and 28% suffered from heart disease, according to the report.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★