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【LIVE】ジョージ・フロイド抗議デモ、ワシントンD.C.の通りを占拠 4日 [オクタヴィアス5世★]

1 :オクタヴィアス5世 ★:2020/06/04(木) 08:39:46.22 ID:8sdCX/jJ9.net
【LIVE】ジョージ・フロイド抗議デモ、ワシントンD.C.の通りを占拠 4日

Watch live: George Floyd protesters take to the streets in D.C.

Watch live: Protests over George Floyd's death and investigation updates

Watch live coverage of the aftermath of George Floyd's death, including protests around the country and developments into the investigation. Viewers should be aware of possible explicit language.
June 3, 2020


425 :名無しさん@13周年:2020/06/08(月) 15:44:05.60 ID:JbkGJuVjp

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