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【新国立競技場】ザハ氏事務所 変更で「間に合わなくなる」

336 :名無しさん@1周年:2015/07/17(金) 16:44:41.73 ID:uuVLejyk0.net

Japan Rethinks 2020 Olympic Stadium

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe told Friday that the design
of the new national stadium, which will serve as the
venue for opening and closing ceremonies, should be
cancelled. The rapid turnaround comes amid increasing
critisism against the current design, expected to cost
a whopping 250 billion yens, overseen by Zaha Hadid,
an Iraqi-born British architect. The decision, however,
would make construction of the stadium in time for the
2020 Olympic Games "hopless", some analysts argue.

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