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217 :名無しが急に来たので:2023/05/31(水) 09:45:55.56 ID:pKaPtX5b.net
Goalkeeper Coach of First Team
1. The Licence Applicant must have appointed a qualified Goalkeeper Coach with a valid
coaching diploma/licence for the first team.
2. The Goalkeeper Coach must:
a) hold at least the Minimum Coach Education Requirements (MCER) as stipulated by
the AFC Competition Operations Manual; or
b) hold a Recognition of Experience and Current Competence (RECC) issued by AFC in
compliance with the RECC regulations for cases where the Goalkeeper Coach does
not have the required certification as defined under (a) above; or
c) already have started the required education course, recognized by AFC, to achieve
the required diploma as defined under (a) above.

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