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低炭水化物・糖質制限ダイエット ★初心者スレ34

562 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/03/06(日) 09:46:14.82 ID:OBBKsdgI.net

A calorie IS a calorie!

And for energy balance, it’s the number of calories that matters.
Weight loss on the Twinkie Diet proves this principle: Last year,
Mark Haub at Kansas State University lost 27 pounds eating junk
food. And this is pretty good proof of concept, says Yale University’s
David Katz, MD, who has written extensively on the futility of the
“is a calorie a calorie?” debate.

It’s certainly true ? at least in theory and sometimes in practice ?
that all calories are created equal. “From the standpoint of body weight,”
adds Marion Nestle, PhD, of NYU, “a calorie is a calorie no matter
what it comes from. You can gain weight eating too much healthy food as
well as unhealthy. From the standpoint of health, it’s better to eat
your veggies…. It’s just a lot easier to overeat calories from junk food
than healthy food. But it can be done.”

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