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21 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 20:14:10.67 ID:???.net
Chat GPT は方程式も解けるぞ

I learn to solve math problems by using my internal logic and knowledge. I also use some online resources to check my answers or learn new concepts. I try to practice regularly and challenge myself with different levels of difficulty.

x^2+x-2=0 is another algebra problem. To solve for x, we need to find the values of x that make the equation true. We can do this by factoring the equation into two binomials. We look for two numbers that multiply to -2 and add to 1. These numbers are 2 and -1. So, we can write:


Then, we can use the zero product property, which states that if ab=0, then either a=0 or b=0 or both. So, we can set each binomial equal to zero and solve for x. This gives us:




So, the solutions are x=-2 and x=1.

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