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a much greater energy of radiation

1 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/03/15(金) 14:25:40.23 ID:8QFtSig3.net
Thus, if in strong sunlight the energy of the light which falls on one square foot is 83.4 foot pounds per second,
the mean energy in one cubic foot of sunlight is about 0.0000000882 of a foot pound, and the mean pressure on a square foot is 0.0000000882 of a pound weight.

2 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/03/16(土) 12:32:12.81 ID:P4qqjoFx.net
If the circuit be broken by cutting any of the wires which connect the copper of one cell with the zinc of the next in order,
the current will be stopped, and the potential of the end of the wire in connexion with the copper will be found
to exceed that of the end of the wire in connexion with the zinc by a constant quantity, namely, the total electromotive force of the circuit.

3 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/03/16(土) 12:33:11.67 ID:P4qqjoFx.net
In the latter case, the most convenient point to assume as the origin is the centre of gravity of the system,
and the most convenient axes are the principal axes of inertia through that point.
In the case of the magnet, the point corresponding to the centre of gravity is at an infinite distance in the direction of the axis,
and the point which we call the centre of the magnet is a point having different properties from those of the centre of gravity.

4 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/03/17(日) 10:47:05.54 ID:PBuJaKfR.net
To determine λ, fix the stirrup so that y is vertical and up wards, z to the north and x to the west, and observe the azimuth ζ of the line of collimation.
Then remove the magnet, turn it through an angle π about the axis of z and replace it in this inverted position,
and observe the azimuth ζ' of the line of collimation when y is downwards and x to the east,

5 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/03/19(火) 15:07:59.03 ID:OfrC18EB.net
and therefore V = C is the only solution of the equations.

When the equations apply to the space within any closed surface at every point of which
V is given.

6 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/04/04(木) 07:09:04.66 ID:???.net
Now if work is done when a body is moved, it must arise from ordinary mechanical force acting on the body while it is moved.

7 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2019/04/08(月) 05:14:51.58 ID:zR2Qyc0b.net
In the case of rotational diffusion

8 :ご冗談でしょう?名無しさん:2020/03/21(土) 21:01:50 ID:7Z1yNLVN.net

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