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米国ビザ関連の質問スレ 9番窓口

562 :名無しさん:2009/12/24(木) 06:58:14 ID:nWqaLS6N.net

390 :名無しさん:2009/05/02(土) 07:30:21 ID:PZKYpCzP

Immigration Agents to Turn Focus to Employers

Published: April 30, 2009
WASHINGTON — In an effort to crack down on illegal labor, the Department of Homeland Security intends to step up enforcement efforts against employers who knowingly hire such workers.

Under guidelines to be issued Thursday to Immigration and Customs Enforcement field offices, agents will be instructed to take aim at employers and supervisors for prosecution


The Obama administration is pursuing employers who knowingly hire and exploit illegal workers,
a policy not significantly different from the Bush administration's, according to a copy of the guidelines obtained by The Associated Press.

The guidelines for immigration agents will impose fines and criminal charges against employers
who break the law.


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