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米国ビザ関連の質問スレ 9番窓口

149 :名無しさん:2008/09/24(水) 06:23:24 ID:083ak6R5.net
Post-completion OPTの意味を大きく勘違いしてないか?
OPTからH1bへの移行はcap gap provisionのお陰で自動的にOPTが
7.1.1. What are the limits on periods of unemployment?
Students on post-completion OPT may have up to 90 days of unemployment.
7.3.1. What should students report to ensure that their status does not
expire due to excessive unemployment time?
Students are encouraged to report changes in employment to their DSO
as soon as possible. SEVP recommends that students report changes
within 10 business days of the change to avoid situations where a DHS
official may determine the student is out of status.
7.4.1. What is the effect on a student’s status if the student exceeds
the period of unemployment?
A student who has exceeded the period of unemployment while on
post-completion OPT has violated his or her status unless he or she
has taken one of the following actions:
•Applied to continue his or her education by a change of level or
transferring to another SEVP-certified school
•Departed the United States
•Taken action to otherwise maintain legal status

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