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1 :名無しさん:2007/04/30(月) 07:23:43 ID:lKm3guwE.net

there were two things i was thinking while i was away;
to study architecture, or become a hand bag designer.
after i came back, i thought to move to LA,
go to school and study a same thing i've done last
couple months.

573 :名無しさん:2019/03/23(土) 00:07:53.32 ID:txb3mU0q0.net
In Japan, men in their fifties or older are almost pigheaded bastards like rags of their wives. And they may live without sexuality.

574 :名無しさん:2019/03/23(土) 00:18:58.07 ID:iGP79Xxl0.net

575 :名無しさん:2019/03/24(日) 07:33:47.64 ID:x1+inI7g0.net
You guys are soooooooo nuts.

576 :名無しさん:2019/03/27(水) 23:42:12.28 ID:Q/zQTOYz0.net


577 :名無しさん:2019/03/27(水) 23:47:01.16 ID:qYEZwDOc0.net
Sucez ma bite.

578 :名無しさん:2019/03/29(金) 08:03:03.66 ID:kN3112rDa.net
There are many toxic companies filled with aged employees where young generations don't join.
As the aged do not easily quit even such a company, the working conditions get worse day after day.
(toxic companies... so called black companies in Japan)

579 :名無しさん:2019/04/02(火) 03:47:40.64 ID:KwEw6uLxH.net
a horrible talebearer

580 :名無しさん:2019/07/13(土) 19:07:23.17 ID:Ze0Uu1+70.net
Legalize marijuana

581 :名無しさん:2023/03/28(火) 13:53:45.18 ID:W9TMPknl0.net
(^-^)y- (^o^)y-。o0○ ( -.-)ノ⌒-~

582 :名無しさん:2023/04/02(日) 03:52:03.61 ID:MAlcfj7b0.net
I was in middle school back in the 80s.
The game center got banned and I got caught by a teacher who also happened to be the manager of my club.
Because of that, I had to write a repentance letter lol

I didn't really think what was wrong so it was hard to write.
I didn't think going to the game center was a sin at all lol
But I had to pretend to show it to the teacher how bad I was lol

I used to like the club manager, but after being treated like a criminal, I couldn't look at him the same way.
That experience traumatized me ...
And now that I'm in America, I can see how stupid that culture was.
It was like a mild version of North Korea lol

I don't want to go back to Japan anymore and I won't raise my kids there.
Japanese culture for that experience? No way lol

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