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82 :名無しさん:2007/04/23(月) 17:28:19 ID:2fYH5kcr.net

Justin Norrie | April 21, 2007

Born Kim Sung Jong(金聖鐘) in 1952 to poor Korean parents in Osaka, he had inherited with his two brothers the enormous fortune his family eventually made in pachinko parlours

On Tuesday a judge in Tokyo's District Court will hand down a verdict in the tortuous six-year legal proceedings against Obara,

Obara is also being tried for the rapes of eight other women, four foreign and four Japanese,
but police believe that the tally is considerably higher.
In persistent leaks to Japan's newspapers, they have told of finding at least 400 professionally-filmed rape scenes in his vast video collection.
In many of the chilling images, Obara wears nothing but the mask of Zorro as he allegedly molests his unconscious or semi-conscious victims.
Among them were more than 150 western women, including Carita.

Obara is alleged to have written in his diary, "My goal is to have sex with 500 people by the age of 50,"
and in a separate entry, "I can't do women who are conscious."

who is now 55. He is accused of raping and killing Carita and another foreign woman, Lucie Blackman,
a British hostess who vanished in 2000 and was found dismembered in a shallow grave less than 100 metres from
Obara's white stucco apartment building, the "Blue Sea".

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