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「マック」巡る商標権争い、マクドナルドが敗れる 勝ったのは… [蚤の市★]

137 :名無しどんぶらこ:2024/06/06(木) 09:33:04.40 ID:cFaY4Dd+0.net

That or she didn't\"feel safe\" flipping burgers at McDo

reminder that the pink haired tarot lady said to a struggling working student at mcdo - “just whining about burgers”. rotten face with rotten attitude

- I don't think part time workers at mcdo's put in hard work or passion to create a burger either, the original chef might have but the current workers don't and that's the difference.

Its not even good? Grab wendy’s or A&w, burger king or even harvey’s the inly edible thing at mcdo is their fries and milkshakes

She won't be able to work in a home care for life, for sure. At best, flipping burgers to McDo, and I'm not even sure about this one. If I don't say anything dumb, it's a federal felony, correct?

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