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【薬物】脳が萎縮します 「危険性低い」は誤解 若者に広がる大麻 [ぐれ★]

957 :ウィズコロナの名無しさん:2023/05/28(日) 06:13:05.94 ID:AZD0vy0V0.net

While people with mental illnesses and related symptoms are more likely to use cannabis,
121 more research is needed to better understand how mental illness symptoms relate to cannabis use.


Research has shown that cannabis use is associated with an increased risk for an earlier onset of psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia) in people with other risk factors, such as family history.


Some research has shown an increased risk of depression in those who use cannabis during adolescence.


More robustly, research has linked cannabis use with suicidal thoughts and behaviors among teens, and military veterans in the United States.

さらに確実なのは、大麻の使用と自殺願望、自殺行動との 関連性が研究により明らかになっている

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