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フランスで年金改革反対デモが激化 「62歳定年」を死守したい国民…実は欧州随一の高い生産性 [蚤の市★]

136 :名無しさん@13周年:2023/04/04(火) 16:36:51.55 ID:qQO5Ou1NV
French Revolution
Constitutional monarchy (July 1789 – September 1792)
Political divisions
The Assembly continued to develop new institutions; in September 1790, the regional Parlements were abolished and their legal functions replaced by a new independent judiciary, with jury trials for criminal cases.
However, moderate deputies were uneasy at popular demands for universal suffrage, labour unions and cheap bread, and over the winter of 1790 and 1791, they passed a series of measures intended to disarm popular radicalism.
These included exclusion of poorer citizens from the National Guard, limits on use of petitions and posters, and the June 1791 Le Chapelier Law suppressing trade guilds and any form of worker organisation.


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