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【JAL】ペット輸送死亡事故で訴訟沙汰「10万円で手を打って」土下座と金銭で口封じか “ペットと一緒に安全な空の旅をお約束” ★6 [ぐれ★]

504 :ウィズコロナの名無しさん:2023/01/29(日) 11:55:28.57 ID:zqZgbZUE0.net
i've never heard of such a things to be honest
do you have any proof to support your claim?
i'm starting to think it's just nothing but your delusion that you want it to be like that
it's so annoying to see idiots pretending to know much about foreign countries when they can't even speak basic english supposed to be learned in junior high school

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