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【グルメ】 レンチンで“冷たく”仕上がる!? ニチレイの衝撃作「冷凍冷やし中華」を実食レポ [朝一から閉店までφ★]

4 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2022/03/04(金) 02:12:22.55 ID:Kofg4w/y0.net

Hi, I am an American who studies Japanese POP culture in the university in Georgia, the U.S. (not the country to the south of Russia 😆).
Since I started studying, I have felt uneasy about the Japanese common way to praise the appearance of grown-up women. Japanese guys seldom admire women by saying "beautiful", but usually by saying "cute", the word which is commonly used to praise children in the West.
I am convinced it clear as crystal that this custom shows us the paedophilic inclination in Japanese guys 😱. It is symbolic that Japanese female talents who are adored especially by males are generally less tall than average.

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