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【ワクチン】厚労省、心筋炎の報告割合を改定 12-14歳男性は2倍弱に 心筋炎と心膜炎の報告割合を分離 ★4 [haru★]

845 :The Pirate of core is appeard in USA and Israel:2021/12/31(金) 05:09:51.88 ID:++77DNKQ0.net
>>841 The Pirate of "core" is appeard in USA and Israel !!! like Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney
They take advatage of maphia party.Pirate's family is Japanese politician of maphia

Although they have japanese nationality,they are northKorean people in JP. And ,they are concerned with maphia party like (Inagawa and Sumiyoshi).Northkorean political party of Jimintou in Japan is called seiwakai and inagawa. sugayoshihide and koizumi jyunitirou are strongly concerned with Maphia group.

Maphia poltician list in JP
tarou aso yoshihide suga toru hashimoto itirou matui
probably shinzou abe is maphia member too

Another many maphia politicians are in JP.And many ""Police are Maphia in JP""!!!

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