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【コロナ】政府「緊張感を持って対応する」 南アフリカの新変異株、国内では未確認 [haru★]

3 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2021/11/26(金) 15:23:12.16 ID:X6g415SI0.net
Pardon my disagreeing with you.
If there were a man who had once embezzled money from his former office, would you feel like assigning him to manage your cashbox, even if he insisted that he had reformed himself?

The same thing is true of the low-educated people. They are low-educated because they didn't study much even though told to study hard by their parents and teachers. That is, they are just lazy.
It is difficult to believe that those who were lazy when in school suddenly become diligent after they enter the office. It is not because they are intelligent but because they are quite likely to follow earnestly what the company orders that most of the companies prefer highly-educated men to the low-educated.

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