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イベルメクチンがコロナに有効だとする論文の生データ開示 100人の患者主張も22行ごとに同じデータの繰り返しが発覚 ★2 [速報★]

1 :速報 ★:2021/10/11(月) 12:33:08.34 ID:4j7G5XCn9.net
Is Ivermectin For Covid-19 Based On Fraudulent Research? Part 4
The story of ivermectin for Covid-19 continues to get even more worrisome


The first email I received back from the corresponding author on the study asked me to send him $1,500 USD for access to the data.


Finally, we were able to get the data through several colleagues who emailed the corresponding authors on our behalf, Dr. Eric Osgood and Dr. Andrew Hill. Their emails were answered quickly, and the data sent through without cost.
Issues of money aside, the dataset that was emailed to several people is quite clearly not data from a real randomized trial. Often, uncovering issues in spreadsheets takes quite a bit of effort, but this dataset is just so obviously problematic that seeing the errors is pretty much immediate when you look at the file.
I’ve uploaded the data that I was sent here, and you can have a look. The basic issue is that the entire dataset is composed of a small number of lines that have simply been copy+pasted a many times. This is most obvious when looking at the height and weight columns, but occurs in almost every numeric column of the data.

Worse still, the dataset appears to replicate the results in the published study almost exactly. While there are a few minor differences here and there, the fake dataset produces the means and standard deviations from the study to 2 decimal places in almost every case, which means that this was quite likely the data used to generate the results in the study itself.

Pictured: data that was sent to myself and Dr. Sheldrick. The highlights show rows that are repeating across different variables in a pattern.

最終的には、何人かの同僚が私たちに代わって対応する著者にメールを送り、データを入手することができました(Eric Osgood博士とAndrew Hill博士)。彼らのメールはすぐに返信され、データは無償で送られてきました。





2021/10/11(月) 09:44:28.27

イベルメクチンがコロナに有効だとする論文の生データ開示 100人の患者主張も22行ごとに同じデータの繰り返しが発覚 [速報★]

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