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【アメリカ】 「妊娠に影響があるかも・・・」とコロナワクチン接種を拒否したウェイトレス、ニューヨークのレストランを解雇される [影のたけし軍団★]

675 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2021/02/22(月) 15:19:32.80 ID:gTik43Kh0.net
neutralization titerは1/4以下に減少してるだろ。以下でよくデータ見てみろw


The geometric mean highest IgG and IgM titers against the RBD, ectodomain,
and N protein and neutralization titers after 60 days post-onset decreased
significantly from the peak titers.

Although the IgM titer against the RBD and the neutralization titer were
predicted to drop below the limit of detection within 6 months,
the IgG titers against the RBD, ectodomain, and N protein were predicted
to be retained for a long time.

総レス数 838
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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★