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【速報】 中国、国営軍事工場が大規模炎上 動画あり [お断り★]

3 :ニューノーマルの名無しさん:2021/01/12(火) 00:56:22.04 ID:HC0Xiv7O0.net
These days, it becomes a daily routine to read absurd posts by Japanese guys. I cannot interpret them without laughing aloud and rolling on the bed.

Especially, the post which reached me yesterday was so foolish that I wondered if its poster was a member of the insane asylum,
for, therein, it is said that the new vaccine for corona virus is a brain-washer.
According to it, a syringe of this vaccine contains about as many nano-machines as all the human beings on the earth,
and, once injected, these nano-machines will modify your brain as the government desires; that is, the vaccine may save your life, but will kill your mind.

Speaking honestly, I feel, it would be far better, had such a breakthrough in mechanical and medical technology already been achieved.
How many diseases could we overcome by utilising it?
Japanese people are more likely to put trust in the rumours without any scientific evidence. Conspiracy theories are funny to find just in fictional novels.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★