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【コロナ日報】ロシア、死者24(+17)、感染者2,777(+440) プーチン大統領は自己隔離中 1日

1 :みつを ★:2020/04/01(水) 21:53:24 ID:/lnEh+MH9.net
【コロナ日報】ロシア、死者24(+17)、感染者2,777(+440) プーチン大統領は自己隔離中 1日


#COVID19 in #Russia

- 440 new cases (down from 500 yesterday)

- Total number of cases in #Moscow is 1,880

- Total number of cases in the entire country is 2,777


Russia sees drop in new Covid-19 cases, but cause for alarm as almost half of newly infected in Moscow are under 45
1 Apr, 2020 10:31 / Updated 45 minutes ago

A total of 440 more people have tested positive for coronavirus over the last 24 hours, in Russia, a drop from the previous day’s 500. The nationwide death toll has risen by seven to 24. Moscow remains the disease's main hotspot.
Well over half (267) of the new infections were reported in the capital, according to the latest national update, with 117 of them aged between 18 and 45. The total number of coronavirus cases in Moscow is 1,880, compared to 2,777 in the entire country. So far, 190 identified carriers have recovered from the infection in Russia.

Most of the country has now imposed some form of lockdown to curb the spread of coronavirus. In Moscow, residents are observing a strict home-isolation regime. Soon, those infected who are being treated at home may be asked to install a phone app, designed to enforce the quarantine regulations. It will be used to ensure compliance and also to help communicate with medical services and organize the delivery of medicine, if needed.

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