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168 :名無しさん@1周年:2019/09/20(金) 01:26:55.17 ID:WLpJwmSg0.net
714 名無しさん@1周年 2019/09/19(木) 15:29:30.93 ID:ZhpMfpBH0
Aug 29, 2002 - 07:03 UTC
Last week my uncle Hiro visited from Iwate to let me know that he was turning 70
a family foundation that runs schools. The main school is currently a school for nurses.
When my parents divorced in the early 80's, I decided to change my name from my father's name "Izu" to my mother's family name, "Ito"
The family has been in our house in Iwate for 800 years and 17 generations or so.
My great grandfather was a geography teacher to the Emperor
My grandfather died before the end of the war and we were nearly bankrupt after the war.
Our home was used as the HQ for the US occupation forces in the region.
PS The facts about the history are gleaned from memories of discussions with my grandmother and mother about our family. Therefore, I worry a bit about the accuracy.

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