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【皇室】秋篠宮家 佳子さま、ICUを卒業「意義ある経験」 眞子さま結婚「姉の希望がかなう形になってほしい」 ★6

750 :名無しさん@1周年:2019/03/24(日) 22:16:21.07 ID:SBZb9h6F0.net

Undergraduate Degree Vs. Graduate Degree: Income and Salary Comparison (院卒と学部卒の給与格差について)

The income and salary of those with an undergraduate degree versus a graduate degree can vary widely by discipline.
However, it's a well known fact that an individual with a graduate degree will generally earn more and more over a career than someone possessing only a bachelor's degree.
An individual with a master's degree can expect to earn far more than an individual with a bachelor's degree in a similar position.

Foe example, according to the 2016-2017 College Salary Report from the website Payscale.com, Computer Scientist with a master's degree earned more than $20,200 annually than those with only a bachelor's degree.
The bottom line is that advanced degrees, whether master's or doctoral professional, translate into higher lifetime earnings than bachelor's degrees in any field.

It clearly can be said by considering the trend that master's degree is more and more to be required in many places compared to the past that earning a master's degree is one of the best way that makes sure that you be successful in the society.


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