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Japanese Mother of triplets murders her own son

1 :みつを ★:2019/03/17(日) 20:30:28.45 ID:bGAaJHl99.net
Japanese Mother of triplets murders her own son

By Mitsuwo

Japan, a mother of triplets was found guilty by court to murder one of her own children by multiply smashing it on the ground. The mother was condemned to a sentence of 3 years and 6 months. With this relatively short timeframe the court accepted the mother’s attempts to get help upfront of the murder. Due to strong exhaustion from missing sleep and an upcoming depression the mother reported strong feelings of murder against her children upfront several times. Sadly neither her private peers nor officials had reacted to her cry for help.

Japanese news

44 :名無しさん@1周年:2019/03/18(月) 05:08:22.36 ID:fHzDXdgm0.net

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