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【国際】世界に残り20頭? 希少「コガシラネズミイルカ」、また漁網に掛かり死ぬ メキシコ沖

47 :税金泥棒(石巻復興を騙って23億円ブッコ抜く):2019/03/16(土) 08:22:06.88 ID:K/SMuJa20.net

Sea Shepherd now has three ships defending the endangered Vaquita
The SHARPIE has just joined the FARLEY MOWAT and the JOHN PAUL DEJORIA in the Vaquita Refuge of Mexico's Sea of Cortez.
Three ships and three crews finding and confiscating illegal gill nets.
Our fleet of fast patrol boats.
Operation Milagro IV

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★