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【安田さん】安田純平さん 記者会見 主催:日本外国特派員協会 11月9日(金)午後15時から

1 :ばーど ★:2018/11/08(木) 13:43:15.50 ID:CAP_USER9.net
Press Conference: Jumpei Yasuda, Journalist

Friday, November 09, 2018, 15:00 - 16:00

Jumpei Yasuda, Journalist

(The speech and Q & A will be in Japanese with English Interpretation)

Former captive Jumpei Yasuda will hold a press conference at The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. The Japanese freelance journalist, 44, was held hostage by militants in Syria for 40 months. He returned to Japan last week, and will offer details on his captivity, release, and plans for the future.

Doors open for TV at 14:00. For all others at 14:20, still cameras included.

Please reserve in advance, 3211-3161 or on the website (still & TV cameras inclusive). Reservations and cancellations are not complete without confirmation.


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