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Executive Order 8802

"Executive Order No. 8802", Fair Employment Practice in Defense Industries
In June 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair
Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move
in support of the rights of African-Americans between Reconstruction and the Civil
Rights Act of 1964. The President's order stated that the federal government would
not hire any person based on their race, color, creed, or national origin. The FEPC
enforced the order to ban discriminatory hiring within the federal government and
in corporations that received federal contracts. Millions of blacks and women achieved
better jobs and better pay as a result. The war brought the race issue to the forefront.
The Army and Navy had been segregated since the Civil War. But by 1940, the
African-American vote had largely shifted from Republican to Democrat, and
African-American leaders like Walter Francis White of the NAACP and T. Arnold
Hill of the Urban League had become recognized as part of the Roosevelt coalition.
In June 1941, at the urging of A. Philip Randolph, the leading African-American trade
unionist, Roosevelt signed an executive order establishing the Fair Employment Practice
Committee and prohibiting discrimination by any government agency, including the armed
forces. In practice the services, particularly the Navy and the Marines, found ways to evade
this order — the Marine Corps remained all-white until 1942.[1]

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