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【法制】カトリック教会、今後、死刑を一切認めない立場に方針変更 ローマ法王「死刑は人間の尊厳への攻撃だ」★12

216 :名無しさん@1周年:2018/08/06(月) 23:55:06.30 ID:KHS51ADH0.net


Bouncing Cosmologies: Progress and Problems

The conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) is a cosmological model in the framework of general relativity,
advanced by the theoretical physicists Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan.[1][2][3] In CCC, the universe
iterates through infinite cycles, with the future timelike infinity of each previous iteration being identified
with the Big Bang singularity of the next.[4]

CCC and the Fermi paradox
In 2015 Gurzadyan and Penrose also discussed the Fermi paradox, the apparent contradiction between the
lack of evidence but high probability estimates for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Within
conformal cyclic cosmology, the cosmic microwave background provides the possibility of information
transfer from one aeon to another, including of intelligent signals within information panspermia concept.[12]



In addition to explaining pre-2000 observations, the model has made a number of successful predictions:
notably the existence of the baryon acoustic oscillation feature, discovered in 2005 in the predicted location; and
the statistics of weak gravitational lensing, first observed in 2000 by several teams. The polarization of the CMB,
discovered in 2002 by DASI [9] is now a dramatic success: in the 2015 Planck data release,[10] there are seven
observed peaks in the temperature (TT) power spectrum, six peaks in the temperature-polarization (TE) cross
spectrum, and five peaks in the polarization (EE) spectrum. The six free parameters can be well constrained by
the TT spectrum alone, and then the TE and EE spectra can be predicted theoretically to few-percent precision
with no further adjustments allowed: comparison of theory and observations shows an excellent match.

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