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【ワニワニパニック!】タイのショーで飼育員がワニに噛みつかれる事故 (画像閲覧注意)

1 :みつを ★:2018/07/31(火) 02:55:27.59 ID:CAP_USER9.net

WATCH: Terrifying moment crocodile BITES trainer’s arm in gory live show

A HORRIFYING viral video has captured the moment a crocodile crunched down on a trainer’s arm in front of terrified spectators during a show in Thailand.

17:33, Mon, Jul 30, 2018 | UPDATED: 18:28, Mon, Jul 30, 2018

The frightening footage shows the crocodile’s jaws snapping down on the man’s arm and wrestling ferociously with it before the trainer manages to rip his limb free.

The shocking scene was filmed in the Phokkathara Crocodile Farm and zoo in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand.

The incident took place as the trainer wowed spectators with daring to reach far inside the reptile’s mouth.

Initially, the croc’s jaws remain open as the man reaches inside.

However, when the man reaches too far inside the crocodile’s mouth, the reptile decides to take action.

It chomps viciously down on the trainer’s arm and refuses to let go.

The man desperately tries to free himself and blood can be seen spurting from the chomped limb as the pair tussle.

Thankfully the trainer manages to break free, with wild yells, as the croc lets go and the man crawls to his feet before walking off the stage.

Gory pools of blood are left on the wet tiled floor next to the avenged reptile.

WATCH: Terrifying moment crocodile BITES trainer’s arm in gory live show in Thailand (Image: ViralPress)

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