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【タイ】洞窟で行方不明の少年12人とコーチ、13人全員奇跡の生存確認!!9日間を耐える ★2

552 :みつを ★:2018/07/03(火) 04:46:56.60 ID:CAP_USER9.net


The Thai NAVY Seal released a video that appears to be the very first moment when the trapped boys were discovered.

One of the rescuers tells the boys in English with a British accent: “You are very strong.”

Here's their conversation:

Rescuer: How many of you?
Boys: 13 (inaudible)
Rescuer: 13, Brilliant! We are coming, many people are coming. Many people, we are the first.
Boys: Asking what day it is.
Rescuer: Monday, you have been here 10 days, 10 days. You are very strong, very strong. We come, ok, we come.


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