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【英国】日本刀専門家のアランさん、とある日本刀を手にしてから様子がおかしくなり体重が減り、実家の寝室で切腹 死亡

723 :名無しさん@1周年:2017/12/17(日) 14:10:38.19 ID:oe5jNSvi0.net

True. Japan is the greatest place in the world.
A litteral utopia. The food is the best, the culture is the best, there is zero crime, the people are all honorable,
the girls are hot and love to suck dick and swallow all the goo, the men are effeminate and passive so you can walk all over them,
the language is beautfiul, they have the best movies and TV in the world
and its the only country in the world with four seasons!


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★