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【話題】女性よりもアニメを選んだ男が46歳で迎えた“婚活” その結果★5

957 :名無しさん@1周年:2017/08/12(土) 22:12:07.32 ID:nj7xYfOz0.net
Although recent attention has emphasized the effects of older fathers on ASD risk,
an increase of n years in maternal age has greater implications for ASD risk than a similar increase in paternal age.

an increase of n years in maternal age has greater implications for ASD risk than a similar increase in paternal age.
Although recent attention has emphasized the effects of older fathers on ASD risk,


paternal 父方
maternal 母方

総レス数 1001
268 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★